Barbour Site's Display of the Seal Hunt - The Human Side

Barbour Site's Display of the Seal Hunt - The Human Side

Barbour Living Heritage Village 2009

Newfoundland has a vast history involving the harvesting of seals. The negative side of the seal harvest, however, often overshadows the hardship endured by the individuals involved in this fishery. This exhibit emphasizes the plight of the sealer and the human drama of men pitted against the harsh elements of the North Atlantic. The perils of the seal hunt in the past were far greater than they are today even though there is still great human risk. In the early days of the hunt when 1000 men to a vessel was common, many tragedies resulted including the Newfoundland Disaster and the Greenland Disaster.

The seal hunt wasn’t only hard on the men at the Front but was also difficult emotionally for those left at home. The many worries of having loved ones away were very trying.

This exhibit is intended to reveal that the Seal Hunt is not a sport but a way of life fraught with great risk and human sacrifice.