Faspa Country: a Herbert story

Faspa Country: a Herbert story

Herbert CPR Train Station Museum 2009

“Faspa” is a low-German, Mennonite term used for a typical late afternoon lunch that for generations has been served in Mennonite homes. The lunch consists of fresh, homemade buns, butter, jam, coffee, and cheese. Faspa can also include fruit preserves, sausage or other sliced meat, and dessert. On a Sunday, Faspa would have been the evening meal, and often relatives and friends would stop over unannounced. This story of Herbert, Saskatchewan, tells the story of the strong Mennonite influence on a small prairie community. It is a wonderful multicultural community; but, at its beginnings, many Mennonites homesteaded here and their influence is still strong. The Mennonite culture is evident in the community’s activities, food, music and mores. The Herbert community is comprised of many other races and backgrounds that have influenced change on the Mennonites of the area. Consequently, the merging of cultures has created a mix that shows Mennonite influence on the community and community influence on the Mennonite tradition. When driving Highway #1 across Canada, be sure to stop in at Herbert for a taste, not only of traditional Faspa, but also of a friendly, helpful community.