The Madawaska River-lifeblood of the formation of Combermere

The Madawaska River-lifeblood of the formation of Combermere

Mission House Museum & Gallery 2012

This virtual exhibit centres on the village of Combermere and the immediate surrounding area. A major tributary of the Ottawa River, the Madawaska River passes through Combermere. Using the significance of this river to early settlement times, the exhibit will draw on a selection of family histories to explain the livelihood, recreation and use made of this river.

Celebrating its 150th anniversary in 2009, the Valley Market store still reflects those early times and the present storekeeper will introduce the history of the store. Like the hub of an old cartwheel, the store has been the nucleus of this community with its various proprietors collecting anecdotes over the years. These stories, just like the spokes of that wheel, reach out into the history of this place. Chronicling these stories will bring the history to life and link to the present day descendants of those times.

Settlers came from England, Ireland and Germany to this part of rural Ontario in the late 1850s and early 1860s. Originally named Dennison’s Bridge after early settlers, Combermere still retains its links with the Dennison family. The Hudson family soon followed along with the Reid, Cone and Johnson families. All of these families and others played their part in the community life and development of commerce in the area.

The Madawaska River supported no less than fifteen steamer boats during these times. One notable tragedy was the sinking of the Mayflower in November 12th, 1912, which recorded the greatest loss of life on Canada’s internal waterways. Linked with the Hudson family as operators of the vessel, this story depicts the early images of a surviving property Hudson House.

The scope for the exhibit will include the following storylines:

The Story Of Combermere

The Johnson Family Story

The Madawaska River

The Valley Market

Other General Stores

The Lumber Trade

The Dennison Family Story

The Fur Trading Business

The Mining Industry

The Steamer Mayflower

The History Of The Post Office

Religions For The Early Settlers

The Indian Wars

The Combermere Schools

John Wesley Dafoe

The French Settlement In Combermere

Al Capone’s Hideaway

The Mission House Museum & Gallery