The War Years Remembered

The War Years Remembered

Wetaskiwin & District Museum 2009

The “War Years Remembered” is an exhibit that features the impact of WWII (1939 – 1945) upon the people of Wetaskiwin, Alberta and its surrounding area. A collection of images, documents, interviews and reminiscences are portrayed in six storylines.

The first storyline, The War Effort, demonstrates how the people of Wetaskiwin met the many challenges of rationing, fundraising and salvage efforts. Several individuals give their insight and reflect upon the events, which occurred during this historical period.

Five additional storylines present the unique experiences and personal memories of four war veterans and a war bride. “I Lived Through a Tough Time…” recounts Harry Albers’ experiences fighting in Italy and Holland. “Irish Molly” tells the story of the war bride, Florence Albers who grew up in England during the war, married a Canadian soldier and immigrated to Canada. “We Were Young…” describes the life of Arthur Potts, an aboriginal veteran who served in Canada and later became Chief and Councillor of the Samson Band. “Our Timing Could Not Have Been Better” illustrates the climate and conditions facing Rod French as he served with Squadron 436 in India and Burma. “It Was a Wonderful Experience…” captures the enthusiasm of wireless operator, Biddy Odell.

Found in the gallery are archival photographs, period newspaper articles, war artefacts and historical objects that capture the community’s involvement and commitment during this important period in history.