Timber to Tall Ships Our Parrsborough Shore

Timber to Tall Ships Our Parrsborough Shore

Age of Sail Heritage Centre 2007

This exhibition reveals how the communities along Nova Scotia’s Parrsboro Shore up to Apple River grew and flourished in the 1800s alongside the lumber and ship-building industries in the area. The families who settled there were mainly United Empire Loyalists and so-called New England Planters-farmers from bordering U.S. states who received land grants from the Crown to settle in the region. So began a tradition of craftspeople and workers who cut timber with care and pride and who built homes, churches and schools, as well as the ships that would take the lumber for trade the world over. Through a variety of artifacts and media, the exhibition recounts the history of the men who penetrated the forests, felled the trees and brought them to the mills. It also shows the making of masterpieces in ship-building, how these vessels were paid for, and depicts how the ships were then launched to sail around the world.