What a priest!

What a priest!

Musée Vieux Presbytère de Batiscan 2008

Built in 1816, the Old Presbytery was once the heart of parish life. Despite its venerable age, the building has barely been affected by the passage of years. Your virtual tour will immerse you in the middle of the 19th century to discover the presbytery as it was at the time of Wenceslas Théophilas Fréchette, who lived there as Batiscan’s parish priest from 1843 to 1875.

You are invited to look through the different parts of the historic house, to catch a glimpse of the daily life of a country priest of that time. Through a series of images, texts, audio-visual excerpts, archival documents and some testimonials, you will witness a reality that no longer exists today: the role of a priest in the organization of the life of a community. The priests of that time were pastors and liturgical leaders, but also legal, financial and marital advisers, and much more. As they were more educated than was average and represented a divine power, they were dominant authority figures for the faithful who were under their leadership. The example of Batiscan is typical of the lifestyle of rural priests of that time.

Moreover, What a Priest! is an exhibit that tells the life of an ambitious businessman… When, in 1867, the parishioners decided to erect a new church, Father Fréchette recovered the old church to set up a matchstick factory. His initiative startled many. However, the scandal was short-lived, as the church-factory burned down just months after its operationalization. Perhaps it is to be expected when playing with fire!