Norval Johnson Heritage Centre
Niagara Falls, Ontario

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Our Stories - Remembering Niagara's Proud…
Hot spot: Marjorie (Bell) Dawson




GB - George Bell, interviewee; JA - June (Bell) Anderson, interviewee / LR - Lyn Royce, interviewer

GB: ...I worked at the ice house and the coal yard.

LR: Ice house and the coal yard.

GB: Yeah, y' delivered ice; on the side the truck.

LR: Okay.

GB: I didn't, I never drove the truck, but I just barrelled [meaning 'carried']; the guys and I came runnin' upstairs with what's his face, 50 pound, puttin' it in the icebox...

JA: Yeah, my brother Leslie worked there too.

GB: ...all that stuff. Shovelled coal. All kinds of good stuff...

JA: When they were workin' on the ice, like they had a, they had these tongs and they had t' carry the ice thing 'cause they only had refrigerators and they had to take the ice off like that. And Leslie, well Bob didn't go to the service because he had trouble with his eyes. And Leslie was called to service but, because my mother had nobody to support her, that's when Leslie didn't have to go, because he had to support my mum. So that's the reason he didn't have to go into the service.


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