Norval Johnson Heritage Centre
Niagara Falls, Ontario

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Our Stories - Remembering Niagara's Proud…
Hot spot: Marjorie (Bell) Dawson




MD - Marjorie Dawson, interviewee / LR - Lyn Royce, interviewer

MD: I had a Studebaker.

LR: A Studebaker!

MD: I had a Studebaker and we used to laugh, 'cause we used to go up the hill and like, it would stop. And we'd... I used to take my son to school, ever since he was 5 years old, and the kids all used to go to school with him and they didn't have to have seatbelts back that time.

LR: That's right.

MD: But it was a lot of fun, you know. That Studebaker... Then my husband bought a couple of different old cars, you know. And then, the funny thing about it, 1 day, it was getting near Christmas time, my husband says, 'Go look out in the yard there.' And I looked and 'I bought you a new car for Christmas.' It was a Celebrity. And I couldn't now... I almost died... He says, 'I'm going to take you out to drive it once and you're going... you can take over.' And so he did and I had that car for about 12 or 13 years. And then, uh, then um, but 1st before I had that 1, I won a car at the UAW. At a Crystal Beach. That's what I was going to tell you in the beginning when I started [about] Crystal Beach. UAW used to have picnics. And I used to go there, you know, and he was head and everything like that. And they pulled my name out and I won this, this car. I forget the name of it. But it was a, like a cheaper car. But it was a nice car and I used... drove that for a long time. So after he bought me the Celebrity. So this is the 3rd new car [refering to her current car, ?? old in 2008] I've ever... I've had so I guess this is the last one. But we used to have a lot of fun with that Studebaker, goin' up that hill and clutches and stuff, you know... oh, it was a lot of fun.

LR: Did you have cars when you were a kid? When you were really little?

MD: When I was small?

LR: When you were small? Did you have car... [MD shook head in negative] No. How did you get around?

MD: Just walked, I guess.

LR: Just walked? [laughter]

MD: My parents didn't have any cars.

LR: No.

MD: No, we didn't have any car. We didn't even know what a car was like, I guess.


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