Norval Johnson Heritage Centre
Niagara Falls, Ontario

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Our Stories - Remembering Niagara's Proud…
Hot spot: Marjorie (Bell) Dawson




MD: [That's the way the stone is] it was before Wilma, she was, Wilma's the 1 that, that got the people to do it.

WM: WE did it.

MD: Yeah, but you were the 1 that... [pause] You got these though, the girl Wanda, you know Wanda, don't you? She did these things for you?

WM: Oh, yeah, yeah. Mhmm.

MD: She's good; she does a lot of 'em for me.

WM: Oh that's good.

MD: Look at. [LR laughs at photo of Marjorie as an adult sitting on Santa's knee]

LR: Good for you!

WM: What did you ask him for?!

MD: [chuckles] I don't know.

LR: More importantly, did he deliver! [laughs; WM laughs] Oh that's nice.

MD: She did this for me. Did you see this 1?

WM: Yeah, I love...

LR: It's gorgeous.

WM: And she's up there reassuring, tellin' me 'bout how awful this picture would be and so I run out and buy the paper and think, 'WOW!'

MD: I thought was gonna be...

WM: I wish, I wish I looked that awful!

LR: Yeah; me too!

MD: It thought it was goin' to be a lot worse than it was...

LR: At a lot less than 90.

WM: Mhmm


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