Norval Johnson Heritage Centre
Niagara Falls, Ontario

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Our Stories - Remembering Niagara's Proud…
Hot spot: Marjorie (Bell) Dawson




MD - Marjorie (Bell) Dawson, interviewee; Wilma (Miller) Morrison, interviewee / LR - Lyn Royce, interviewer

MD: ...We used to buy clothes, all that, but...

WM: You still do!

MD: We used to go in the store, and we used to, uh, Almeta and I used to go to the store and try on all kinds of clothes... And then we'd say: 'My mother and father's gonna come up and look at them,' but we'd, we'd just wanted liked to try, shoes and clothes on. But not when we were this age - we used to roller skate, we were younger kids...

WM: Yeah.

MD: ...going to Public School. [pause]

WM: And you've got your animal there with ya.

MD: Yep. I used to get furs and buy fur coats, 'n... Go into Western Fur and buy these coats - and oh! Muffs and that...

WM: You were sayin' 1 day we were, I was tellin' them the story, we were in the choir in Hamilton and, you know, sometimes the there would be a good lookin' guy come in and we'd be... And I'd look down and there was my mother givin' me 'THE LOOK.' And so, but anyway, Greta came in, Gloria. What was she? I couldn't, we couldn't figure out her name.

MD: Who was it?

WM: Nicholson.

MD: Greeta?

WM: Yeah, with her uh...

MD: Gloria.; they called her Gloria.

WM: ...with her animals around.

MD: Yeah, I remember that coat.

WM: And she came in. We laughed! We nearly fell outta the choir loft. We got giggling...

MD: I remember that coat she used to have.

WM: And the minister turned around and looked at us, and I looked over, and my mother was nearly cross-eyed, but we couldn't get... She was just a struttin'...

MD: That was some coat, black and white or somethin' I don't remember.

WM: They were fox, I think.

MD: Was it?


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