Corner Brook Museum & Archives
Corner Brook, Newfoundland and Labrador

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Corner Brook - A Pulp and Paper Community
Hot spot: Scott, Walter - Union Secretary,…

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Adams, William  -  Union lawyer (1 Hot Spot)
Goudie, Lloyd  -  Union Vice President (1 Hot Spot)
Johnston, W. J.  -  A.N.D. Co. Woods Manager (1 Hot Spot)
Pelley, Cyril  -  Rep. of The NF Contractors Association (1 Hot Spot)
Roberts, J. D.  -  Bowater's Woods Manager (1 Hot Spot)
Scott, Walter  -  Union Secretary, Treasurer (1 Hot Spot)
Smith, Robert  -  Union Rep. (1 Hot Spot)
Thomas, Sterling  -  Union President (1 Hot Spot)
Tittemore, C. R.  -  Assistant Manager A.N.D. Co. (1 Hot Spot)
White, Thomas  -  Union Rep. (1 Hot Spot)

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