North Lanark Regional Museum
Almonte, Ontario

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The Mills of Appleton
Images: Type

Postcard, Mississippi Bridge at Appleton
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Appleton Dam Spring 1939, Courtesy of Ken Godfrey
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Collie Mill Spring, 1939
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Appleton Mill, Photo by Jane Cass
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Appleton Mill Winter, Photo by Jane Cass
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Appleton Mill Winter, Photo by Jane Cass
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Appleton Mill, photo by Jane Cass
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"Back Building" Collie Woollen Mills, photo by Alison Ball
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"Bobbins and Vines" Appleton Wollen Mill, photo by Alison Ball
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"Broken Wood Bobbin" Appleton Woollen Mill, photo by Alison Ball
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"Burnt Wall and Equipment" Appleton Woollen Mill, photo by Alison Ball
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"Demolishing the Buildings" Appleton Woollen Mill, photo by Alison Ball
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"Moon Over Rubble", Appleton Woollen Mill, photo by Alison Ball
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Moving Appleton Community Hall, photo by Irene Thompson
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Moving Appleton Community Hall, photo by Irene Thompson
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Fabric samples from Collie Mill in Appleton
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Dye Bottle
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Dye Bottle
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