Dick Johnson, Dorothy (Johannesson) Johnson's son at the Gimli Pavillion, ''Old Timer's Ball''
Gimli, Manitoba


Richard (Dick) Johnson

Dick, son of Dorothy Johnson, began playing with "Johnny and his Musical Mates" as a teenager.

Dick has a true and natural talent acquired by family influence and formal musical training.

Dick has influenced many musicians with his knowledge of music and his ability to direct and arrange. This musician plays guitar, piano, drums and also has a pure voice with a perfect pitch when he sings.

Dick is the studio engineer and producer and part owner of the "Fine Country Folk Studio".

Dick carries on the family tradition with his undying devotion for music.


Elvin Johannesson The son of Johnny Johannesson.
Riverton, Manitoba


Elvin began playing drums with the orchestra at the young age of 8. A few years later he took over the bass guitar when required. Elvin played with the orchestra for over twelve years. Inspired by his musical family, he spent his spare time strumming his guitar and singing at every opportunity.
In the early 1970's, Elvin entertained for several years with the country rock band "Retreat".

Elvin passed away September 23, 1989.


Paul Luprypa
Riverton, Manitoba


Paul had entertained with "Johnny and His Musical Mates" for twenty years. He was a dedicated musician. He added quality to every tune when playing his mandolin.


Daisy Jonasson
Riverton, Manitoba


Daisy Jonasson releases her ''Old Time Piano Favorites'' recording.
Fine Country Folk Studio - Riverton, Manitoba


Daisy Emilia (Davidson) Jonasson

Daisy was born on September 2nd, 1904 in Winnipeg, Manitoba. She spent her early years in Gull Harbour, Manitoba and the majority of her life in Riverton, Manitoba. Her parents discovered she had a love for music at a very early age. She was only 6 years old when she visited a lady who played piano in the fish hatchery while living in Gull Harbour. She would then go home and pretend to play the piano on an old sewing machine.

Daisy began taking lessons after receiving a Karn upright piano from her parents. It was a confirmation gift when she was 16 years old. After her mother passed away, she moved to Winnipeg and stayed with a friend of the family. In return for housecleaning, she received piano lessons.

Daisy had the privilege of playing at the Old Gaitee Theatre for silent movies while living in Winnipeg, Manitoba. When this talented lady moved to Riverton, Manitoba, she gained instant recognition for her musical ability. Daisy played at many functions such as weddings, bridal showers, and Christmas concerts. She also played at the school and church. Daisy would always try to accommodate any occasion in need of music.

Daisy married Gramman Julius Jonasson in 1923. They had 7 children: Lloyd, Lorna, Oskie, Sylvia, Lillian, Norman & Shirley Ann.

Daisy went on to play with several local bands -The "Murray Anderson Band", the "Slingerland Band" and "Johnny and his Musical Mates". In the early 40's she often talked about the "Slingerland Band". The name of the band came from the drum set they used when they performed. In the band were her friend Nona Muller on drums, Loreley Hurst on accordion, and brother-in-law Joe Jonasson on violin. Sometimes Roy McClennon played guitar with Herb Sigurdson on trumpet.

In the late 40's Daisy played with "Johnny and his Musical Mates". They played for numerous events throughout the Interlake. In 1946 they were invited to play in Hecla. It was a homecoming party for the men coming home from the war, a night not soon forgotten.

The adventure sent them on a whitefish boat to Hecla to perform at the local hall. On the way they had motor trouble and drifted for a few hours. The band made the best of it and began to play a song they knew entitled "Over the Waves". A small boat came to the rescue and delivered them to the hall where they played from 1:00 am till 5:00 a.m. That night they stayed in a fish shed and the drummer Laugi had the best bed of all, a fish box.

With the help of Dick Johnson at Fine Country Folk Studio and the encouragement and support of her youngest daughter Shirley Ann, she recorded a cassette at the age of 80. She continued playing the piano till her demise on September 25th, 2000 at the age of 96.

Daisy's incredible talent on the piano will never be matched. She had a gift and could play like no other. Her love of music was inherited by her children and grandchildren. She inspired and influenced many others and left an incredible legacy.


Daisy Jonasson



Daisy's ability and devotion for music was evident throughout the communiy.
When a pianist was needed for a wedding, bridal shower, or Christmas concert, Daisy was always there to accompany, and play many a beautiful solo and make any event a special occasion.


Dancing in the Geysir hall, to the music of ''Johnny and his Musical Mates''.
Geysir, Manitoba


It was always a special event to go down to the Geysir Hall for a night of wonderful music and dance. "Johnny and his Musical Mates" played in this hall two to three times a week back in the 1940's. Through their support, the Geysir Hall expanded and became a landmark and historical site for the community. Many people still recall the good times they had down at Geysir Hall.

Today the hall is operating with modern facilities. It is considered to have one of the best dance floors in the Manitoba Interlake.


The old ''Geysir Hall''
Geysir, Manitoba