Norval Johnson Heritage Centre
Niagara Falls, Ontario

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Our Stories - Remembering Niagara's Proud Black History
Location: Pelham Road, St Catharine...




MD - Marjorie Dawson, interviewee / LR - Lyn Royce, interviewer

MD: I remember when I got married! [laughs]

LR: mhm...

MD: When my husband come home for 3... My husband come home for 3... like I told you I went with my husband for 4 years before [he] went overseas...

LR: Yes.

MD: And he come home for 3 days leave and so we had... he... we were going to get married so we had to go to the, the... City Hall and get a marriage certificate and that. And then he went... We got married over at the United Church over here, just in the parsonage, he and I. And the minister that married me, was... his first name was Bell, he was the Sergeant, he was a white minister but he was something in the army, you know; he had married me. But I still got my certificate. I showed the girl that, I don't know... He took it overseas anyhow, with him. We got married and he went the next day - he went to overseas. Well, he didn't go overseas... but he went back with his army and then they went overseas. But he took his certificate with him; all over the back of 'em, all the guys names are all, written all on the back of the, of the certificate. And I'm trying to hold on; keep it, you know, so it won't rip... I put it in a little [cellophane?] paper. Because I can't get it laminated because the names now on the back, [you] see? And so he sent it back to me [chuckles]. But, you know, like my sister [June (Bell) Anderson] told you, like every day I would get letters, and mail, and rolled cigarettes for him, and, and... but, you know, I knit socks; I used to be able to knit, I can't knit anymore. I used to knit socks and he used to send me, you know airmail cards, that sort of... some of those airmail cards, and letters, and... oh, boy. I don't know. But then I used to travel a lot after he was gone. I used to go to Chatham and stay up there for a couple of weeks; my mother used to phone and say, 'When you coming home?' I says, 'I don't know, I just ... you know...' I just used to go up there and stay; didn't have nothing more to do... and, uh... I don't know... I did a lot of things, but sometimes they come to me, sometimes I forget them.

LR: Okay.

MD: But I think that was one of the most important... But when he come home from overseas, he went to Toronto 1st, but he said he was coming; 'cause that's where his mother lived, in Toronto; and when he come home it was a great celebration. All these guys coming home on that boat - it was a great celebration...


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