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Please browse the gallery below for all the images, videos and audio related to Reels and Waltzes: The Enduring Sound of Montmagny’s Accordionists. Click on an item to see an enlarged image with description or to play the video/audio clip.
Engraving from 1915 by Edmond-Joseph Massicotte, depicting an old-fashioned Quebec house party. Two dancing couples are surrounded by other partygoers seated on chairs. A fiddler plays in the background.
Black and white photograph of Gilles Vallière, pipe and pencil in hand, sitting behind a desk. A telephone can be seen on the desk.
Colour photograph showing an album whose cover depicts a pair of fiddlers, two VHS tapes whose handwritten labels have a yellow stripe on top, and two compact disc cases featuring vibrantly coloured artwork.
Sepia photograph showing the husband and wife duo of Yvette Coulombe (guitar) and Ulric Coulombe (accordion). Seated on chairs, the musicians are playing at a family dance party.
Black and white photograph of Marcel Messervier. He is wearing a striped jacket and a patterned tie. Two people in suits and ties are standing behind him.
Black and white photograph of the Orchestre Montminy. The band consisted of Réal Montminy (fiddle), Joseph Montminy (accordion), Gérard Montminy (banjo) and their little brother Bertrand (mandolin). All the musicians are dressed up in suits and ties.
Black and white photograph of the Orchestre Montminy. Front row, left to right: Gérard Nicole, Gérard Montminy, Patrice Gaudreau, Maurice Gaudreau and Joseph Montminy. Second row, left to right: Conrad Belley, Ulric Côté, Réal Montminy and Camille Nicole. The musicians are all wearing cowboy hats and neckerchiefs. They are posing in front of a false backdrop.
Photograph showing Francine Desjardins seated with an accordion on her lap, surrounded by her band. A musician with a bass guitar can be seen standing behind her.
Black and white photograph showing Armand Labrecque at the launch of Montmagny’s Carrefour mondial de l’accordéon in 1991. He is wearing a suit and tie.
Black and white photograph of Armand Labrecque. He is on the right, holding an accordion. The shot was taken at a family gathering, with Mr. Casault standing next to him with a guitar.
Black and white photograph of Michel Montminy hosting a radio program. He is wearing headphones and sitting in front of a microphone, surrounded by radio equipment.
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