Armand Labrecque on Dance Parties

Audio: Armand Labrecque interviewed by Camille Brochu. Archives of the Musée de l’accordéon. 1995.
Photograph: Archives of the Musée de l’accordéon. Collection: Carrefour mondial de l’accordéon. Photo credit: Gilles Gagné, 2001.
Armand Labrecque: About the dances, let’s just say that people were a little conservative. We always started by dancing… I mean, we started with a quadrille. That was the first dance. And then, after that, there would be the first square set, hand on hand. That one wasn’t so hard. We followed up with coupé en deux, en quatre, en six. That was the third dance. After that came chaîné bras droit, chaîné bras gauche. After that came le panier, les petits chars, three steps forward, three steps back. Those were the dances.