Interview with André Labonté About Marcel Messervier

Audio: André Labonté interviewed by Camille Brochu.
Archives of the Musée de l’accordéon, 1995.
Photograph: Marcel Messervier.
Archives of the Musée de l’accordéon.
Collection: Carrefour mondial de l’accordéon.
Photo credit: Gilles Gagné
Interviewer: But in terms of music, whose tunes did you play at parties? Did you play music by Gérald Lajoie?
André Labonté: No, it was mainly tunes by Marcel [Messervier].
Interviewer: So, Marcel’s music was what you played at dance parties?
André Labonté: He was our idol. He’s still our idol.
Interviewer: He was a big influence?
André Labonté: He was the best we had. Now, [Raynald] Ouellet is a capable musician.
Interviewer: Did you also learn tunes, pieces of music, by listening to albums? Or to the radio?
André Labonté: Mostly cassettes.
Interviewer: Whose cassettes?
André Labonté: Marcel [Messervier]’s. I wasn’t familiar with Gérard Lajoie.
Interviewer: You weren’t familiar with his music?
André Labonté: He was a guy from [inaudible]. We’d never been [inaudible]. We really liked how Marcel played, so we tried to emulate him. And we loved it!