Anne Langton Sketch of “Family Party at Blythe” c. 1842

Photo: Peter Oliver Image of sketch used by permission of the City of Kawartha Lakes Archives.
This detailed sketch is “ink and wash” and the dimensions are 21 x 23.3 cm. The sketch is of John Langton, his mother, aunt and sister in the sitting room of Blythe Farm, Fenelon Falls, Ontario.
Before the first log church of St. James the Apostle was built, and in difficult weather conditions, Blythe Farm was one of the gathering places for Sunday devotions. The Langton home, Blythe Farm, appeared to be a focal point for many such services.
Anne Langton wrote often of the church services at Blythe Farm.
October 15, 1838
Our Sunday congregation assembled in the kitchen which as so hot that we were obliged to set open the back door, not withstanding the occasional intrusion of dogs, cats, and poultry.
December 25, 1839
Without a sleigh and drivers, we could not go to church and the absence of the congregation, which used to assemble here, has made the day completely different from what it was before.