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The collection of both religious and non-religious artefacts at St. James the Apostle Church, is an important link for the families and village of Fenelon Falls.
A candle snuffer with a wooden handle
A small bible shows the delicate condition of the small children's bible. The purple ink inscription reads Presented to Lilly H. Cameron by her affectionate brother James D. Cameron
Sketch of Blythe Farm. In the foreground are tree stumps and then a rustic farm fence probably of cedar. Further in the background are two out buildings and what looks like the original home of John Langton. To the left is a round tent structure. Further in the background are trees. The sketch is very yellowed.
A photograph of the interior of Saint James Church C. 1919.
A bass engraved plaque showing Jesus surrounded by children and flanked by two angels.
Charcoal sketch of Fenelon Falls Circa 1837. The sketch is done from a rocky shore just under a ledge on the south side of the falls. The small horseshoe falls are heavy with water. In the right of the sketch where the present town of Fenelon Falls is, there is a rocky shore leading to trees.
Pencil sketch of Anne Langton called The Encapement. The sketch shows a wood scene. There are two rough roof shelters built. The first shelter to the left has Indigenous people resting underneath. The second shelter to the right has a fire, and a small cooking part hanging from the roof.
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