Deed of Emancipation for the Estes family: November 10, 1852

Salt Spring Island Archives/ Naidine Sims Collection.
Deed of Emancipation submitted by Howard Estes to the Clay County, Missouri Circuit Court on 10th of November 1852, freeing from slavery his wife Hannah aged about 48 years, son Jackson aged about 16 years and daughter Sylvia aged about 12 years. Sadly, his daughter Agnes had died of scarlet fever before her father could free her.
Text transcribed – Syntax and spelling errors included.
Know all men by these presents that I Howard Estes of the County of Clay in the State of Missouri have manumitted and set free and by these presents do manu-mit Emancipate and set free from Slavery or servitude certain slaves belonging to me To wit Hannah a light coloured black woman aged about 48 years Jackson a light coloured black boy aged about 16 years and Sylvia a light coloured black girl aged about 12 years and I do thereby give grant and release unto the said Hannah Jackson and Cynthia all my right titles claim of in and to their personal services and labor and of in and to the Estates and property which they may hereafter acquire or which they may have heretofore acquired hereby releasing and forever freeing them from all claim that I may have had to their personal labor and services and by these presents do declare them free both from me and my heirs forever In Testimony whereof I the said Howard Estes have here unto subscribed my name and affixed my seal this the tenth day of November in the year of our Lord One thousand Eight hundred and fifty two.
Howard. X. Estes His mark
State of Missouri } sets in Circuit Court of Clay County in the State of Missouri County of Clay } November the 17th AD 1852
Be it Remembered that Howard Estes a man of Colour this day appeared in open court and Simpson McGaughey and Charles S I Leopold two subscribing witnesses having been duly sworn in open court deposeth and saith that the said Howard Estes is the person whose name is subscribed to a Deed of Emancipation To Hannah aged about Forty eight years Jackson about sixteen years old Sylvia about Twelve years old as a party thereto and the said Howard Estes then and there acknowledged that he executed and delivered the said Instrument of …. or Deed of Emancipation as his voluntary act and deed for the uses and purposes therein Mentioned and the Clerk is ordered to certify the same accordingly.
In Testimony whereof I Samuel Tillery Clerk of the Circuit Court within and for the County of Clay in State of Missouri have hereunto subscribed my name and affixed the seal of said Court at office in the City of Liberty in the County of Clay and State of Missouri this 17 day of November AD 1852.
Mem Filed the 17th Nov AD 1852 Sam’l Tillery Clerk