Letter to Hannibal Hamlin, Vice President of the United States

Reproduction by the BC Black History Awareness Society
Victoria, April 13, 1863
Sir: By order of the Committee of Colored Ladies of the British Colony of Victoria (V.I), please find enclosed a draft for £86 14s 9d. sterling on London, made payable to your order.
Please send it to Beaufort (S.C.), for the benefit of the contrabands.
One of the reasons for sending this money to Beaufort is, its’ being the first place a colored regiment was formed, according to law. This money has been raised by and through the colored people of this place, and who are originally from the United States.
We have also sent $170 to the City of Philadelphia for the same purpose to be used there. You will please accept our thanks as a people for the great interest you have taken in the cause of humanity; and through many miles divide us from those who have the burden to bear in this great struggle for human liberty, our hearts are with you unto death.
Please acknowledge the receipt of this money through the New York Tribune.
Respectfully, EMILY ALLEN, President.
Hon. Hannibal Hamlin [New York Tribune, June 24]