A Report on Water Concerns

Source: Michael Polvere, “Out of Water.” The Daily Sentinel Review (Tuesday, March 18, 2003), page 14, Beachville District Museum Reference Library
Michael Polvere reported that links between the quarries and dry wells were hard to prove in a special feature of “Quarry Quandry” in 2003. The article indicated that Beachville area residents used about 5.5 million litres of water daily for activities like laundry, showers, and gardening. By contrast, the quarries were said to pump about 31 million litres of water out of their pits an average day. A property owner near the quarries contributed to the article, stating that he had drilled a third well at his property after the second went dry 150 feet deep. The resident was put “on a well monitoring program to see if the quarry dewatering contributed to his water woes.”