
Drawing by: Graham Treggett
Location: Mount Hermon Cemetery
Date: c. 1988
Source: Archives of Treggett Family
A drawing that was done by Graham Treggett from his recollections of the tools that his father’s workers used to perform their duties to dig and organize the burial sites.
In the summer months, they used to cut the fields with a scythe and hand sickle to the grass. Then they would use a pick and shovel to dig the graves.
During the winter months, they would use a horse-drawn plow to open the roads. They also would use a snow roller to harden the snow to provide a firm surface for the funeral procession to proceed to the gravesite. A sleigh would often be used to transport to coffin to the grave. The graves were usually opened manually by a couple of employees. If the ground were frozen, the men would often make a bonfire on the lot the day before to thaw out the land.