Wedgemount Lake Location part 2 (audio)

Audio Credits: Oral Interview with Werner Himmelsbach; Interviewer: Jeff Slack; Source: Whistler Museum and Archives Society; Date: 2013.
Photo Credits: Photographer unknown; Source: Federation of Mountain Clubs of BC; Date: circa 2016.
Werner Himmelsbach said, “So this logger, he contacted me and he said to me, ‘you know I hiked up Mount Reslin? Beside Wedge Mountain and I saw a nice lake down below’; so I thought that would be a place. Three of us, we hiked up one time and of course there was no bridge across the river and we had to go along the river until we found a log…from windfall that went across there. It took us 5 ½ hours to get up there because we got lost in there because it was bush. Wedgemount Lake comes down and falls down rocks and all this…this was beautiful and when you come over the rise…there is this lake, Turquoise colour and the glacier right into the lake.”