Women’s College Hospital volunteer talks about why volunteering is important to her.

Audio Credit: The Miss Margaret Robins Archives of Women’s College Hospital.
As a grateful long-time patient at Women’s College Hospital, this volunteer wanted to give back to the hospital. In 2009, she began volunteering in the hospital’s Headache Clinic and today, she helps out at the information desk. She loves staying active.
Interviewer: And so, why would you say volunteering is important to you?
Volunteer: Oh, because, um, organizations like Women’s College obviously haven’t, haven’t got the money to pay, lots of us at the front desk we talk about how much it would cost them to pay each of us a salary and benefits. So I know we save organizations a lot of money, and so that’s one side of it. The other side is that volunteers, or retired volunteers especially, ‘cause most of us are retired, and retired volunteers, um, you know, get a chance to get out and do something and be appreciated and still have, um, still know that they, um, are wanted, basically, so, um, it, it’s just great in the end to do it. Getting out and doing.