Dr. Denis Patrick Lynch

Image source: North Lanark Regional Museum
Text source: “Dr. D. P. Lynch Called Away: After Only a Week’s Illness from Pneumonia – A Good Citizen Who Will Be Much Missed.” The Almonte Gazette, 11 August 1911, p. 4
The Doctor’s House did not remain vacant for long after the death of its first occupant and builder, Dr. Mostyn, in 1881.
Doctor Denis Patrick Lynch arrived in Almonte in 1878 at the age of just 22 years old. He completed a course at the University of Ottawa before attending Queen’s University to graduate with a degree in Medicine. The doctor spent some time in Ottawa and Pembroke, working with established doctors there before relocating to Almonte. In the three years he spent working alongside Dr. Mostyn to provide community care, Dr. Lynch lived and worked in several properties throughout the town and involved himself in local public service.
After the death of Dr. Mostyn, the young doctor purchased his now unoccupied property, where he stayed until his unexpected death in 1911.
Dr. D. P. Lynch Called Away
After Only a Week’s Illness from Pneumonia – a Good Citizen Who Will Be Much Missed.
Almonte lost another of those men whom she can so ill spare, when early this (Thursday) morning Dr. Lynch was called from the ranks here to that higher service over there, beyond the mist we call death. It seems impossible to realize that Dr. Lynch is dead. So many years he has been a familiar figure on our streets and a prominent influence in all our public enterprises. The thought that there would come a day when we would no longer minister among us never seemed to occur until the last sad call came.