Baker Rauch & Lang, 1919

Collection of Galen Handy
Rauch & Lang of Cleveland had merged with their largest competitor, Baker Electric, in an effort to save both companies from plummeting electric car sales in 1915. By 1920, Baker Rauch & Lang would relocate their factory and begin a spiral of downsizing and cost-cutting that led to their eventual exit from the auto industry in 1932.
Transcript of Main Paragraph:
“More and more men find the need of an enclosed car– and, in the electric, the ideal. Its wonderful flexibility enables one to wend his way quickly and safely through traffic without strain or effort. The mind is freer. One is not his car’s slave.
Usual mechanical annoyances are absent. The Raulang is always ready at a moment’s notice, easily operated, theft-proof, clean, roomy and comfortable.”