Proclamation of War
Digital Archive of the Toronto Public Library
Proclamation by Sir Isaac Brock, July 6, 1812.
Transcription of the document
ISAAC BROCK, Efquire, Prefident adminiftering the Government of the Province of Upper Canada, and Major General Commanding His Majefty’s Forces within our faid Province.
WHEREAS on the feventeenth day of June laft, the Congrefs of the United States of America declared, That WAR then exifted between thofe States and their Territories and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, and Dependencies thereof ; and whereas in purfuance of such Declaration, the Subjects of the United States have actually committed Hoftilities againft the Poffeffions of His Majefty, and the Perfons and Property of his Subjects in this Province : Now therefore, by and with the Advice of His Majefty’s Executive Council in the Affairs of the Province, I do hereby ftrictly enjoin and require all His Majefty’s Liege Subjects to be obedient to the Lawful Authorities, to forbear all communication with the Enemy, or Perfons refiding within the Territory of the United States, and to manifeft their Loyalty by a zealous co-operation with His Majefty’s Armed Force in the defence of the Province, and repulfe of the Enemy. And I do further and require all Officers, Civil and Military, to be vigilant in the difcharge of their Duty, efpecially to prevent all communication with the Enemy, and to caufe all Perfons sufpected of Traitorous Intercourfe the be apprehended and treated according to Law.
GIVEN under my Hand and Seal at Arms at York, in the Province of Upper Canada, this Sixth Day of July, in the Year of our Lord one thoufand eight hundred and twelve, and in the fifty-fecond year of His Majefty’s Reign. ISAAC BROCK, Prefident.
By Command of His Honor,
WM. JARVIS, Secretary