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Thank You!

Flight from the flames cast and supporting crew:

No exhibit, virtual or otherwise, is possible without tremendous support from a great team. The staff at the Salmon Arm Museum and Heritage Association thank the following individuals and organizations for their valuable time, gifts and support:

 Judi Beck, Ph.D.
Roy Benson
Cheryl Cruikshank
Dr. Gary Cruikshank
Gary Hucul
Jake Jacobson
Peter Kilby
James Murray
Leona Orchard
Larry Osachoff
Carole Ouimet
Lise Ouimet
James Murray
Wayne Peace
Gordon Pelletier
Diane Soles
Barry Tarr
Ken Tebo
Rose Turner
Ryon Ready
Emmy Sim
Rosemary Wilson
Dennis Zachernuk

Brent Chudiak’s 2015 Digital Media Class at
Salmon Arm Senior Secondary School

Salmon Arm Observer for its award winning photographs

The Lakeshore News [Shopper’s Guide] for its photos, making this story more complete

Princess Patricia Canadian Light Infantry Foundation

 Bell Media for its radio coverage of the 1998 Silver Creek Fire

Community Stories Investment Program staff Debra Rohac and Colin Chen

and the people who shared their stories.

We couldn’t have done this project without you!