Purchase Agreement for House and Foundry 1912 page 2

Chester Municipal Heritage Society
Second page of the purchase agreement between Mr. Stanford, Mr. Mills and Forman Hawboldt for the lands which were to be the site of the new foundry and his new residence.
Purchase agreement for house and foundry page 2 Wording
A piece of land in said Chester Town Plot, bounded Northerly by the Post Road and land of Charles and Cottnam Smith, Easterly by land of Hugh Stanford, Southerly by land of said Hugh Stanford, the Public Road, lands of Elias Cleveland, Enos Siler, and F. J. Robinson and the Town Brook and Westerly by the water and lands of the said Charles and Cottnam Smith , containing three acres more or less, but excepting the water privileges owned by Hugh Stanford. The said John Stanford reserved for himself his heirs and assigns the right of taking water for a town water system from the water system to the North of Stanford’s lake or Mill Lake, so called, together with all and singular the buildings, easements, … …. To the same before or in anywise appertaining with the reversion and reversions, remainder and remainders, rents, issues and profits thereof, and all the estate right, title, interest claims, property and … both at law and in equity of said John Stanford, of, in to or out of the same, or any part thereof. To have and to hold the said land and premises with the … and every part thereof, unto the said Forman Hawboldt his heirs and assigns to his and their sole use, benefit and behoof forever, and the said John Stanford for himself his heirs, executors and administrators hereby covenants, promises and …..