The Launch of the Marie-Antoine
Editing by Philippe Dubois
Video archive: Pierre Choquette collection
Excerpts from color video archives, without sound, shot in 8 mm at the shipyard of François-Xavier Lachance, at the launch of the Marie-Antoine, in 1960. We see F-X at work.
The Marie-Antoine is placed on boards, first inside a hangar. François-Xavier makes sure that the boards are straight. Workers move wood pieces.
François-Xavier is standing on a scaffold, at the deck of the boat. A man, possibly a priest, holding a book is on the deck and comes inside. F-X follows him.
The Marie-Antoine is seen from behind, from outside the hangar. The boat rolls backwards as F-X and men place logs under the boat. François-Xavier Lachance is working with the help of a mass. There are some children and women who are watching the launch.
The camera is now on the left side of the boat, which is almost completely out of the hangar. The owner approaches and observes the workers at work, which add a section of planks placed on wooden blocks, at the end of the previous installation. Close-up of the structure, from left to right.
Six people are grouped together and are watching the launch. A woman greets the camera, which is in the scaffolding at the front left of the boat. The camera shows the boat, with its white hull and mahogany cabin, from front to rear.
François-Xavier and the owner of the boat leave the hangar talking, smiling and addressing the camera. They walk in the direction of the Marie-Antoine, which is now on the beach. They arrive next to the front of the boat. End.