Letter from the Victoria County Scott Act Auxiliary to J. R. Dundas, MP

Courtesy of Library and Archives Canada
Letter sent to J. R. Dundas, MP thanking him for moving quickly on securing a vote in Victoria County to prohibit alcohol. June 6, 1885.
Transcription of document:
J. R. Dundas , Esq. M.P., House of Commons, Ottawa.
Dear Sir,
Your telegram informing me you had been able to carry out the wishes of our Committee in deciding to have the vote deferred was duly received. Kindly inform the Secretary of State that we will not ask to have the vote taken before the end of September or beginning of October, but will communicate with him in good time ask the date we would prefer.
I have to express to you the thanks of your Scott Act constituents for the kind and prompt attention given to our communications, and our appreciation of the courtesy extended to us by the Department.
Yours very holy, J. R. McNeillie