Letter, James Ross to Thomas Stewart

Courtesy of Kawartha Lakes Museum & Archives
Copy of a letter sent to Thomas Stewart, Lindsay from James Ross detailing early conditions of erecting a hospital in Lindsay. 1955.
Transcription of document:
30th. July 1897
Dear Mr. Stewart,
I have your letter of June 6th, which came here during my absence from the country. I am very much interested in your Hospital project and would be very glad indeed to do something substantial in the way of assisting it, but before anything is done I would like to be well advised as to your plans and especially to know what the government of the Hospital would be and how its future maintenance would be provided for. If I could see clearly these two questions satisfactorily settled I think I would be prepared to give substantial aid in some way, so that if you could put aside for the time being this question of the building and its equipment and devote your attention to seeing how the future maintenance would be provided for and how the Hospital would be governed and settle these two points in a satisfactory manner, I think the building could be easily arranged for. In the matter of management of the building, I think it would be a great mistake to put it in the hands of too many governors or have them in any way controlled or elected by the people. The Mayor of this town could be elected, ex-officio, the Reeve of the County and three other prominent men in Lindsay should be life-governors.
I am sailing for Canada about the 24th. July so that there would be hardly time enough for you to write me again here. Please consider this letter a private communication.
With kind regards
Yours very truly,
James Ross