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Welcome to the gallery of the Giants of Lindsay: William and J. D. Flavelle. These images tell the story of William and J.D. in Lindsay.
Woman wearing glasses with grey hair in a black lace dress and a fox pelt around her neck sitting in a chair.
Letter on printed letterhead typed in black ink with a violet colour stamp on it.
A house structure drawn with black pen on tracing paper.
Typed letter.
Folded paper program with black printed type.
Wood frame structure with carriage parts out front.
Red brick two storey building with a balcony.
Black wooden duck.
Yellow brick two storey house with trees at the front.
Letter on printed letterhead handwritten in black ink.
Three different sized milk bottles that are either embossed or have applied colour labels
A bartender in a white coat behind a bar serving a customer who is wearing a black suit and hat in a hotel bar.
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