The People: Chief Steve Dongworth
I can’t say enough about how I’ve been blessed to have had this opportunity to be a member of the Guard, and what an honour and privilege that has been, to represent the men and women of the Calgary Fire Department.
Fire Chief Steve Dongworth has been a member of the Honour Guard for over 20 years. Even though his new duties take up a lot of time, the Chief continues to participate as a member of the Guard where possible. His belief in the message of the Honour Guard, and the good that it does, inspires him to continue serving the memories of the fallen despite his many and varied roles.
Many of the Honour Guard have diverse reasons for joining and continuing to serve, with each member carrying personal emotions and memories into every event.
For the Chief, there are many reasons to serve the Guard. His interactions with the New York City Fire Department bring home the emotional toll of service, and the worldwide community of firefighting.

‘Met Pam after CISM presentation to SWIFT (Airport Operations and Maintenance Personnel) conference with over 400 attendees from around the world. Met Pam September 10th 2001. the next day, Sept 11th 2001, her office ceased to exist.’
The artifacts pictured here are a constant reminder that firefighters risk their lives in the protection of the public, and that tragedy can strike without warning at any time. Personal connections like these inspire Guard members to take up the uniform and show solidarity with colleagues across the world.
View this video with a transcript: Chief Dongworth