Closed for business (Pascal Benny)
Reference: Musée du Haut-Richelieu
There was a factory in Saint-Jean—Formica—that reopened very soon after the ice storm. A few days after the storm—I can’t say how many—they brought in generators from the United States, huge generators, and they started up production again. But they were only doing production, they didn’t open up their canteen or the cafeteria. They called and arranged for us to feed their employees on site at the plant. Every day, we had incredible orders that we prepared for them. People had to eat and there was no cafeteria. For us, it was also a management issue, because chicken is our speciality, and it is what is fastest and easiest to make in the kitchen. After four or five days though, they got tired of chicken and wanted something else. That was like… If you get orders from 50 different clubs, things don’t go well. It’s much more difficult. (Laughter)