Sweat Equity – The Grimsby Homebuilding Co-operative 1953-1956 Sweat Equity – The Grimsby Homebuilding Co-operative 1953–1956 Grimsby Museum
This aerial view of Hamilton Ontario in the early 1950’s shows an industrial city that was booming. With the influx of workers, the city was also sprawling yet […]
By 1954, after a year of study and preparation, the co-op homebuilders were well into the sweat equity part of the build. They worked in teams, in the […]
There were different age cohorts within the kid community. The older kids had moved in at age 9 or 10, though most were only 2 or 3. A […]
The children of the co-op found endless opportunities for outdoor play – back and front yards when they were younger, but as they grew, the shoreline of the […]
This photo best illustrates why the families studied, built and endured. How poignant that the children are digging together, and how wonderful they have the space and […]
Walter Muise, an alderman for 13 years, was honoured for his commitment to save the shoreline. 9 years after his death this plaque was erected in Murray Street […]
Co-operative homebuilding required the strong alliance of husband and wife as well as the teamwork of the men who would build together. The wives were vigilant on the […]
A sense of community had begun when they first gathered in 1953. The culmination of their study, work and co-operation was a well-built home and a fine community […]
Rain or shine, snow or sleet, the build continued, with the men working into the evenings until it was too dark to carry on. Some nights they strung […]
Most often the men would rush home to eat before heading out to the site. On an early spring day, these fellows enjoyed a welcome snack at break […]
Doug Wilson of the Lakedale group captured colour photos of his fellow co-operators. Together with photos collected from families and footage by John Blake of Sherbrien-Cathedral Heights co-op, […]
Derwyn joined the co-op while working as a plasterer in the family business (The Hill Brothers). In 1963 he was ordained after completing courses at Knox College, so […]