Deed of concession by the New France Company of land to the Duchess of Aiguillon for the Religious Hospitallers in 1637
Deed of concession by the Compagnie de la Nouvelle-France to Madame de Combalet, duchesse d’Éguillon (Aiguillon), for the Religieuses Hospitalières, December 1, 1637.
Source: Archives nationales à Québec (E1, S4, SS1, D18, P1).
“ Deed of concession by the Compagnie de la Nouvelle-France to Madame de Combalet, duchesse d’Éguillon (Aiguillon), for the Religious Hospitallers, of a tract of land one league wide to be taken along the St. Lawrence River by ten leagues deep in the lands above and below Quebec City in places not yet conceded and near concessions already made, all of which is to be bounded and designated by Monseigneur de Montmagny, Governor of Quebec, which concession is made so that the said Ladies Religious can build and construct a convent in New France to remove and treat the sick, whether French or savage (Amerindian) [sic]. ”