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Please browse the gallery below for all the images, videos and audio related to Grondines, a Land Shaped by Rocks and Tides. Click on an item to see an enlarged image with description or to play the video/audio clip.
Room decorated for Christmas with five large tables and wooden chairs. In the background, a small theatre stage.
Poster promoting the Christmas Parade. It reads: ‘Parade de Noël le 24 déc. 20h. Chemin Sir Lomer-Gouin, departure from the suburb of Grondines. All welcome’.
Red car decorated with lights and a Christmas tree on the roof. It says ‘10th Anniversary’.
Aerial view of the points of land jutting out into the river.
Black-and-white photo of a craft stand on the side of Route 138.
Extract from a geological report showing a photo of fossils.
Black and white photo of a man sitting on a tractor.
Black and white photo of cows in a pasture.
Painting depicting a period scene. Six men are removing stones from a field.
Black and white photograph of a man and child beside a harnessed ox and horse. Behind, a two-storey house and farm buildings.
Extract from a text.
Black and white photo of two children and two calves.