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Please browse the gallery below for all the images, videos and audio related to Grondines, a Land Shaped by Rocks and Tides. Click on an item to see an enlarged image with description or to play the video/audio clip.
Painting of an early scene of children playing in front of a school near the river.
Painting of a stone building near a river.
Black and white photo of a long two-storey building with a tall chimney.
Restaurant menu for the Salle à Manger du Vieux Moulin.
Black and white photo of a building with a badge reading “Restaurant” and two cars parked in front.
Black and white photo of a two-storey house with a gallery. On the first floor is a general store.
Black and white photo of a two-storey house with a general store on the first floor.
Black and white photo of two small children in front of a window with a man in the background.
Photo of the pink door of a general store. Above the door is inscribed “R. Sauvageau - marchand général”.
Photo of a large two-storey house with two buildings. The building on the left is occupied by a general store. The storefront reads “Rosario Houde - un p'tit gars de chez nous...”.
Photo of a handwritten account book page.
Black and white photo of a woman and a man at the checkout counter of a general store.