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Please browse the gallery below for all the images, videos and audio related to Grondines, a Land Shaped by Rocks and Tides. Click on an item to see an enlarged image with description or to play the video/audio clip.
Woodcarving workshop-boutique on Route 138.
Flocks of snow geese on the riverbank.
Two mergansers (ducks) on the water.
Black and white photo of two men and a child holding a bustard.
Black and white photo of two men with their fishing catch.
Aerial view of the points and the river.
Nesting box on the edge of a pond.
Black and white photo of two women and a man next to an ice fishing shack.
Black and white photo of five men fishing at the end of the wharf.
Black and white cartoon of Rodolphe Mathieu.
Black and white photo of André Mathieu seated at the piano with his father Rodolphe.
Black and white photo of Lomer Gouin holding his hat.