The Nipissing Guide & Holiday Companion

Toronto Public Library Digital Archive Collection. Public Domain.
Date: 1874
The Nipissing Guide & Holiday Companion was published by G.C. Patterson for the Toronto & Nipissing Railway in 1874. It used evocative imagery to entice travellers:
“As the train is moved across the bridge, we obtain a view of one of the most lovely landscapes of original Canadian scenery. Gradually unfolded before us is a panorama of the country bordering on Balsam Lake and which, whether seen in the glaring light of a mid-day sun, or in the soft reflected rays of a cloudless sunset; whether viewed in the deep, rich, vernal color of the early summer, or in the varied and gorgeous tints of the incomparable Canadian autumn, is a picture of marvelous natural beauty, to which even the inspired hand of an Angelo, or the magic brush of a Raphael, would fail to render justice upon canvass [sic].”