Capture Reservoir

Photographer unknown
Silver print
Les Amis des Jardins de Métis Collection
NAC: 2009.173
Salmon naturally swim to where the current is strongest. This makes them relative easy to capture. So strong is their instinct that they were often victims of their own enthusiasm on the Metis River as they would swim into the spinning turbines. A series of weirs were built on the Metis River to guide the salmon towards the capture station, increasing the number of salmon that were caught and diminishing the injuries sustained prior to their capture.
On many rivers in the United States, small dams the size of Mitis-I and Mitis-2 have been demolished, because the revenue generated by the power dams was thought less than the cost of the damage to the environment. This movement has yet to take hold in Québec, where considerable effort is still expended to reconcile hydroelectric production with the salmon migration.