Fishing on the Metis River

Reford, Robert Wilson
Silver print
Les Amis des Jardins de Métis Collection
NAC: 1997.10.267.9
The chasm of the Metis River was deep and the current strong between the falls and the river mouth. The views were impressive, with the steep banks of the river rising sharply from above the swirling pools.
Every salmon river is different and each has its special attractions. The Metis River had an unusual range of environments, ranging from rapids to quiet stretches. Some sections had to be portaged because of the danger and others could be fished standing from a canoe. The diversity of the river contributed to its attractions. It also made a fishing guide essential. There were so many nooks and crannies and unusual eddies and pools that a guide was an essential companion. They knew where to anchor, where to pole and the right pathway through every curve in the river.