Wayne Kemp remembers a really crazy situation
Héritage Sutton
This videoclip is an excerpt from an interview with Wayne Kemp that Héritage Sutton recorded in February 2020.
I have a story to tell. It’ll be easier for me to tell it in English because that’s my mother tongue. I arrived at work at four o’clock one day and the telephone rang and the superintendent asked me to answer the phone, so I did. I picked up the phone and there was a woman on the other end and she was mad. She said: Have you seen my husband? No, let’s calm down. What about your husband? Well I was with him sleeping in the backseat of the car and we stopped in Burlington at McDonald’s and I got out of the car to use the bathroom and he went in for a coffee and he came back before I was finished in the bathroom and he took off. So anyway, I asked for the details of the car, the licence number. She gave it to me. So I went on the line, I was the first one on the line, and finally the car arrived. So I asked him all the question that we ask travelers and he kept replying “we”, “we”. I said to him: Sir, who is “we”? My wife and I. Where is your wife? She’s sleeping in the backseat. You better check. So he turned around and he said: “Oh my God, where is she?” (Laughs) I said: “She’s in Burlington at McDonald’s and she is not happy! You better go back right away.”