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The Airbase Today

The old wartime airbase is now the Claresholm Airport and Industrial Park. Many of the smaller buildings have been moved offsite, have deteriorated, or been demolished over the years. The runways are all maintained and in use.

aerial view of airport and buildings

Overview of the Claresholm Airport today.


All but one of the seven hangars are still standing. The hangars have had many owners and uses over the years, including everything from a skydiving operation to mobile home manufacturing.

fold airplane hangar with snow on ground

Hangar #4 in a state of disrepair. Old signage is still visible in places.


four old airplane hangars with snow on ground

Looking due north, hangars 5, 4, 2 and 1 at the Claresholm Airport in winter 2020.


three airplane hangars with snow on ground

Looking west, hangars 5, 6 and 7 at the Claresholm Airport, winter 2020.


old airplane hangar with snow on ground

Hangar #2 demonstrates the size of the original hangar doors.


Parade square with snow on ground

The site of Hangar #3 and the old parade ground now act as a private sports ground.


Stone Marker Pays Tribute

A memorial cairn was erected at the entrance to the old airbase in 1983. The cairn is dedicated to No. 15 SFTS officers, instructors, staff and students, as well as those who lost their lives in accidents at the base.

Stone cairn with 3 plaques on it

A memorial cairn paying tribute to No. 15 SFTS stands at the entrance to the Claresholm Airport.