Mr. Raymond Lavallée on corporal punishment in a country school (Ste-Catherine d’Hatley)

Interview with Raymond Lavallée, former student of a high school, by Louis-Charles Cloutier Blain (Magog History Society) on July 11, 2018.
Interview with Raymond Lavallée, former student of a high school, by Louis-Charles Cloutier Blain (Magog History Society) on July 11, 2018:
Raymond Lavallée: “Me too, it reminds me. We had the ruler at school … the little school there. My little sister was in the same school as us. Not in the same … what did he call that? […] in any case, she was two years younger than I so she was two years lower than me in the classes. Than she had misery at the time, it was Francoise there, than the mistress had a ruler, than she pass than gave her a stroke of ruler. One day she gave her two two. I got up. I took the ruler of the mistress, I broke it than I threw it by the window. Than I said: if you retouch again to my little sister it is you who will go through the window.”
Louis-Charles Cloutier Blain: «How old were you?»
Raymond Lavallée: « ten, eleven years old. Something like that, but I was able. We were raised on a land we us. »