Magog High School (n.d.)
Source: Magog Historical Society, PR002 fonds Bibliothèque Memphrémagog\photo # 466.
In 1929, the old wooden building that had housed the Magog Academy since 1856 was sold and moved. The municipality of Magog purchased a portion of the building from the Protestant School Board in order to make a garage out of it. Gaudreau and Brothers, a company that cut and sold ice, bought the other half[1].
In order to replace the Magog Academy, a brick building was then constructed on the same site for the Magog High School where children from grades 1 to 11 were taught[2].
The building eventually became too small, and the Protestant School Board sold it in 1953 to the Catholic School Board which then made it into a normal high school [3].
[1] Alphonse Girard, History of Magog, Magog, Le Progrès de Magog, 1970, p. 48.
[2] Jacques Boivert, Magog Academy, PR009 fonds Jacques Boivert\écoles, Magog Historical Society, Magog.
[3] Magog Historical Society, PR002 fonds Bibliothèque Memphrémagog\album 3\photo # 466; Comité du centenaire de Magog, Magog: Cent ans et plus d’histoire, Magog, Les Éditions Orford, 1988, p. 148.