Saint-Patrice Academy (1961 to today)
Source: Magog Historical Society, PR002 fonds Bibliothèque Memphrémagog\album 3\photo # 470.
In 1960, Saint-Patrice Academy was expanded once again. This new annex consisted mainly of a modern gymnasium, which was lacking in the Catholic School Board’s school system. Furthermore, in addition to serving the needs of students, this addition, which also welcomed recreational activities in Magog, allowed the organisation of a myriad of activities for residents, as the researcher Maurice Langlois notes:
«one could roller-skate there, play badminton, table-tennis, volleyball, basketball, etc. Many social activities – dances, galas, voting nights, – took place in the gymnasium on rue Saint-Patrice, which, with the closure of the arena on rue Sherbrooke not long after, became the preferred hub of local sporting life. [1].»
Some activities in “le pavillon des loisirs”
[1] Maurice Langlois (March 2012) “En 1960, c’est le pavillon de l’école Saint-Patrice qui représentait le progrès.” Nos chroniques historiques. In Histoire Magog website. From: