A secretary’s work
Interview: Karine Chagnon and Marc-Antoine Malo
Post-production: Gabriel Laprade
Seated at home in a rocking chair near a lovely stone fireplace, Marguerite Cormier explains the ins and outs of her work as a secretary at Lafayette.
I was Mr. Cook’s and Mr. Bergeron’s secretary. Bergeron was the general manager; Mr. Cook was the owner. Me, I wrote out correspondence in shorthand, English-French. Afterward, I’d type it out, I made the production tags and when I had time, we’d go do accounting with the accountant. Get the money… Everything was paid in cash. We had a hundred or so employees, and it was all paid in cash. We counted the cash, put it in the envelopes. And he called us the litt’e girls. (He said:) « Comme put money in the pay ». We did it. But it was always done without any fuss. I call it that.